Elizabeth Carefoot

After graduating from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Education in Fine Arts, Elizabeth Carefoot took post-graduate etching and painting courses at the Emily Carr College of Art and Design. She also trained as a cine-animator with John Dunn of Disney Studios.

Elizabeth was fully employed at Simon Fraser University first as a Cine-Animator, then as a Graphic Designer and Illustrator, for 35 years, and is now retired.

Carefoot works in many media.  Although primarily a fibre artist, working with soft sculpture, stitchery and knitting, she also creates acrylic paintings, small box constructions, collages and drawings.

Internationally, her work can be found in collections in Brussels (Belgium), USA, Bangor (Wales), Sapporo (Japan) and Bogota (Colombia).  The Surrey Art Gallery has three of her prize-winning artworks in their permanent collection.

Trained as a Middle Eastern dancer, both in Egypt, the U.S, and locally, Elizabeth has performed professionally in that capacity for 30 years, and was the Artistic Director and choreographer for the dance troupe Twilight Caravan for many years.   

Elizabeth gives lectures on Middle Eastern culture, costumes and customs, as well as Power Point presentations on her own art practice.

Through sales of her artwork, Carefoot was able to institute a seed-money fund for emergent artists.

She is the 2014 recipient of the Surrey Civic Treasure award for art and culture.

email:  elizabeth@elizabethcarefoot.com

web:  <a href="http://www.elizabethcarefoot.com



I am a multimedia artist who transforms textiles and other materials to ignite the imagination of those who experience my art. 

Although I identify mainly as a fibre artist, my materials vary depending on the project, from found objects, dyed cotton, wood, paint and altered books. A unifying theme that comes through in my diverse artworks is the importance of play and curiosity. 

This altered book is given life by my use of humour and vibrant colours. Details and embellishments add to the richness and significance to the stories in the book.