Palimpsest: the not~so~blank slate

Welcome to Metchosin ArtPod's  ONLINE GALLERY for the juried show... 


the not~so~blank slate

Throughout history, war and dominant cultures have attempted to silence ‘the other’s’ voice.   Books have been burned, hard drives wiped, sacred manuscripts written over, leaving only fragments of messages and meaning.  At the same time, humankind valiantly attempts to preserve traces of culture and history despite an overwhelming tide of new information that overwrites old information. 

From the ever-changing layers of artworks that continue to evolve as they are impacted by the environment, to people's interventions leaving only traces of history, Palimpsest: the not~so~blank slate explores what was lost and what can be found in the traces that have been left behind? 

The juror for this show is Regan Rasmussen. Check out her work at 

The web gallery is where you can vote for your favourite piece in the show. At the end of the show's run, votes are tallied and a People's Choice Award is presented to the deserving winner!

This show also exists in real life in Metchosin, BC, Canada, at Metchosin ArtPod. We highly encourage you to come see it  in person during its run from Friday August 2nd, 2024 to Sunday September 29th 2024. People are always happy to have seen the show in person; it is quite a different experience from seeing it on-line.

**Note that ArtPod is open from 11am-4pm  from Fri-Sun.**

We welcome everyone to our  Opening Celebration on SATURDAY August 10th, 2024 from 2-4 pm.  Meet our juror, Regan Rasmussen and hear how she chose the works featured in this show,  listen to accepted artists in attendance speak about their works and process, and celebrate the 3 Juror's Choice Winners!

To sign up for our monthly newsletter and to find more information about workshops and events associated with this show and upcoming shows, please consult our website:

Enjoy the show!

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Take off your shoes before entering.
Take off your shoes before entering.
Mary Wulff

Dimensions: 24 x 20 x 1.5
Inspiration:: This piece has three threads to it. My Uncle went off to serve in the navy just after ww2 in what was primarily a peacekeeping role. Through letters, I learned he was fascinated by ships, and finding his own identity within the military. Layered throughout are some sketches reflecting on the nature of serving as a non combatant. In the foreground from a photo I took in Japan, I wonder how well these youth will fare if Japan reverses its commitment to its three non nuclear declarations.
Materials and Process:: Collage with archival inks and acrylics
Accompanying music/song and artist: : For what it's Worth Stephen STILLS/Buffalo Springfield
Sometimes huddling, usually found alone.
Sometimes huddling, usually found alone.
Carrie Walker

Dimensions: 4 x 6
Inspiration:: With these winter landscapes, I inserted species whose coats change to white in winter. I am always learning about the subjects I paint and have learned that as the climate shifts and there are fewer days of snow in some regions around the world, these animals’ white coats are out of sync with the snowfall. Mismatched to their environment, they are especially vulnerable to predation or in the case of the predators, less able to hunt successfully.
Materials and Process:: Material: gouache and found landscape, Process: drawing
Accompanying music/song and artist: :
Secure across their range.
Secure across their range.
Carrie Walker

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5
Inspiration:: With these winter landscapes, I inserted species whose coats change to white in winter. I am always learning about the subjects I paint and have learned that as the climate shifts and there are fewer days of snow in some regions around the world, these animals’ white coats are out of sync with the snowfall. Mismatched to their environment, they are especially vulnerable to predation or in the case of the predators, less able to hunt successfully.
Materials and Process:: Materials: gouache and found landscape, Process: drawing
Accompanying music/song and artist: :
What was lost
What was lost
Laura Feeleus

Dimensions: 24 x 15 x 4
Inspiration:: This piece came from an exploration in textile of my struggles with body, weight and image. Using a thrift store Barbie doll, I created what I called “Fat Barbie” along with altered clothing that spoke to me of the feminine desire to attract and be glamorous. A poet colleague wrote a poem in response to me making Fat Barbie. I imprinted her words onto the piece I call “What was lost”. This work is therefore a collaboration with Kim Fahner, my poet friend.
Materials and Process:: Found child’s dress, satin, net, velveteen; printing ink
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Pink Cadillac
Release Me
Release Me
Phyllis Schwartz And Cathy Kool

Dimensions: 17 x 11
Inspiration:: Drawing on the ancient whispers of palimpsest, "Release Me" invites viewers to witness the emergence of meaning beneath the layers of what was. The cyanotype medium, steeped in alchemical history, infuses this artwork with timelessness and mysticism. Each brushstroke is a wave of blue and yellow pulses with creative energy, challenging viewers to see beyond the surface and into the very soul of the piece. This work is a portal into a space where music and colour weave together their mysteries.
Materials and Process:: sheet music, wet cyanotype and organic colourants
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Release Me (Elvis Presley)
Phyllis Schwartz And Cathy Kool

Dimensions: 10 x 8
Inspiration:: Apparition bewitches viewers with its ethereal presence. A soft, oval-shaped form emerges from the depths, its pale surface touched by spectral light and shadow. This central figure, an enigmatic residue of a once tangible object, floats in a mist of smudged, blended charcoal, infusing the work with mystery and movement. This piece, borne from repurposing of a lumen print of a simple garlic clove, transforms the mundane into a ghostly echo, a palimpsest that hints at layers of unseen histories.
Materials and Process:: Gelatine Silver Print (Lumen Print), charcoal
Accompanying music/song and artist: : No One Told Me (John Lee Hooker)
Flâneur's Reverie
Flâneur's Reverie
Phyllis Schwartz And Cathy Kool

Dimensions: 20 x 24
Inspiration:: Flâneur’s Reverie, a cityscape palimpsest of history and diversity, results from my afternoon drive revealing high-rise buildings stretching towards an unseen sky. The textured overlay of a digital collage adds a sense of nostalgia, overwriting, erasure and wear, hinting at the passage of time and the layers of urban life. The play of light and shadow creates depth and dimension, while the intricate details of the buildings draw viewers into a dreamlike reverie.
Materials and Process:: Digital Imagery (pigment ink on cotton)
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Take Five (Herbie Hancock)
Hello In There
Hello In There
Angela Menzies

Dimensions: 48 x 36 x 1.5
Inspiration:: I recently told my doctor that I felt like a vapour. There is a disturbing sensation of being two people at once. The fierce woman inwards – becoming a crone outwards. Various layers of me becoming increasingly invisible. I am caressed less. Spoken to less. There is no prescription for that. Left to myself, I take my vaporous existence and go talk to the ravens and let them possess me … am I theirs now?
Materials and Process:: Acrylic on canvas
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Song: It Doesn’t Matter Anymore by Linda Ronstadt
The Poet
The Poet
Angela Menzies

Dimensions: 30 x 30 x 1.5
Inspiration:: Art is layered and complex. People are layered and complex. One can often find themselves between the lines of a poem or stolen back and reclaimed from the lyrics of a favourite song. “I’m putting down the habit of looking back on all of it, wishing I had done better. Feel that I like who I am becoming”.
Materials and Process:: Acrylic on canvas
Accompanying music/song and artist: : If You Call by Angie McMahon
Cross Cultures #2
Cross Cultures #2
Gail White

Dimensions: 30 x 24
Inspiration:: Cross Cultures was entirely imagined without any visual references. My intent was to depict a story of a first meeting between two entirely unique and different people. What would it have been like? What did they have in common? Their physical surroundings…. Motherhood…. Where did they differ? Their costumes, their clothing…. Did they see things clearly? One has eyes to see, while others do not…. This story has repeated itself around the world over time and is important to reflect on.
Materials and Process:: Acrylics on canvas.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Broken Arrow by Robbie Robertson
A Welcoming Place
A Welcoming Place
Trish Shwart

Dimensions: 30 x 44 x 1.5
Inspiration:: The painting began as that of a secluded garden. This particular garden however, was situated in an area with discernible poverty. Dissatisfied with the narrowness of my approach I spray-painted over it to start anew. This act of artistic destruction led to a more authentic image of the entrance and elements from the nearby streets—the discarded belongings of homeless people. These cast-offs are reminiscent of the inequalities inherent in our access to private space. Traces of diversity.
Materials and Process:: acrylic paint, collage, spray paint on Bockingford paper (250#) laid over a cradled wood panel
Accompanying music/song and artist: : How can a poor man stand such times and live? (Bruce Springsteen)
From the Interior
From the Interior
Edward Peck

Dimensions: 22 x 28
Inspiration:: From the interior of the earth comes the fuel to eat nature. The image has three layers: an analog layer evoking the spirit of the birth of environmentalism, the second layer, the automated machines that now dominate what was a thriving food production field, and finally, the dense slab-to-sidewalk developments accelerating the housing crisis. Each image comes to mind in a series of memories as I stand in the field, as the grasshoppers go slowly up and down, counting our remaining days.
Materials and Process:: Archival Pigment on Cotton Paper
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Joni Mitchell Big Yellow Taxi
Natural Memories
Natural Memories
Edward Peck

Dimensions: 22 x 28
Inspiration:: Urban vestiges in a post-industrial palimpsest ran through my mind as I stood looking out on the wilds of Haro Strait when memories of the nightlife in Rue Saint-Jean suddenly came to mind. The pleasures of both overpowered each other as I drank in the sea air. So I am present in memory, here looking out at the sea, which makes me look inward at the same time. We are all never completely present in the moment, driven by our senses to explore our thoughts.
Materials and Process:: Archival Pigment on Cotton Paper
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Helpless by Neil Young and Crazy Horse
Winter Green Threat
Winter Green Threat
Edward Peck
Juror's Choice Award

Dimensions: 22 x 28
Inspiration:: The magical life-giving force of the rainforest as I walk through it, drinking in its energy, has not overwritten the dynamited rubble I passed through. How long will my children's children be able to stand here and breathe in this beauty and rejuvenate their bodies and souls? This image is what I see in my mind's eye and reminds me of how we were on the eve of nature's destruction.
Materials and Process:: Archival Pigment on Cotton Paper
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Eve of Destruction Barry McGuire
Wanted Arm
Wanted Arm
Rachael Wadham

Dimensions: 9.75 x 6 x 3
Inspiration:: I've had these three sets of legs sitting in a little tin for a few years and I was sure they'd end up underneath something of enormous magnitude once they finally found their place. I love the various bits of flora that the sheep's wool is holding, as well.
Materials and Process:: Wood, paper, wool, metal, glass, music box
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Maa Bonny Lad, Anne Briggs
Hidden Foundation
Hidden Foundation
Alison Bigg

Dimensions: 5 x 8 x 6
Inspiration:: Hidden Foundation is a reference to all the layers of history that is lost during the multiple constructions that cover the history of place. As the layers of drawing, painting, glaze and decals are added to the clay, what lies beneath is obscured. The photo of the construction site is the foundation of a new building, the first layer to be built upon and that will only be seen again when it is razed to create something new, reminiscent of the things lost from our collective memory.
Materials and Process:: Ceramic. Paper clay, reduction fired, slip, underglaze, water decal
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Age of Anxious by Pony Girl
"the night which is leading me to the most terrible morning of my life,"  (For James Baldwin)
"the night which is leading me to the most terrible morning of my life," (For James Baldwin)
Kegan McFadden

Dimensions: 16 x 20 x 2
Inspiration:: Made in response to the Palimpsest Call for Artists, this work stems from the coincidence that the exhibition opens on the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Black queer writer James Baldwin (2 Aug 1924-Dec 1987).
Materials and Process:: ink jet on sugar paper, pastel chalk hand-embellishment, polaroid
Accompanying music/song and artist: :
I am of the Earth
I am of the Earth
Khione Gardner

Dimensions: 48 x 24
Inspiration:: This piece explores representing the chapters or layers of a single life as a geological formation. The geologic time scale and the length of a single human lifespan are millennia apart and yet what are we, but a small part of this magical earth? Through interactions, shifts, growth and pressure, layers are both created and worn away. Changes are sometimes dramatic and other times imperceptible, often unexpected but always inevitable.
Materials and Process:: mixed media on canvas
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
Is Anybody Listening? - Does Anyone Understand?
Is Anybody Listening? - Does Anyone Understand?
Sheryl Parsons BFA

Dimensions: 20 x 16 x 1.5
Inspiration:: What if the God of the Hebrew Bible does exist? How can we decipher the truth? Just which of the 100s of English translations tells the truth. The sentence structures are strange, the ideas seems strange to our modern minds, of a culture more than 2000 years old and on the other side of the world. But at the end of our life will "I didn't know!" be a valid excuse, when the truth is revealed, to not follow a God who claims to have created the world? Over the ages truth is lost in the translation.
Materials and Process:: Mixed Media Collage on Deep Wooden Panel, with Mirrored English Bible pages, Hebrew Prayer pages, Greek and Hebrew writing
Fifty Years of Anita
Fifty Years of Anita
Anita Doornekamp

Dimensions: 18 x 14 x 1.5
Inspiration:: Sections of various pieces of artwork have been "harvested". There's an early drawing from my teenage-years sketch book (1974) and a portion of a serigraph print from a university printmaking class (1983). A collagraph (1988) of Bruges row-houses is now stacked as a vase. I did a still life (1998) in pen & ink with watercolour alongside with my high school students. The pieces are assembled and rearranged into this layered encaustic still life. The constant in my work: flowing lines and flowers.
Materials and Process:: Encaustic, mixed media: early pen & ink, serigraph, collograph, pen & ink with watercolour; on cradle board
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Time! by Virginia to Vegas

Page 1 of 3, showing 20 records out of 52 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20